Hey gals, do you ever just wake up with a sudden revulsion for everything in your wadrobe? You're feelin'
blah and you want a new look? Well that happened to me just the other day. I decided, at that point, to get extensive Botox injections, and then cover my entire face, body and clothes in white powder!
Oh, also, I am the recipient of UCSC's prestigious Irwin Award for my photography. The ceremony is this week. I made a modest little invitation for the event, if you feel so inclined to go. But, you know, don't trouble yourself if you'd rather be at home reading that thorough, thrilling campaign coverage on the website of the newspaper that you read in print form just a few hours earlier. I won't mind. It's not like we winners of this sought-after honorable distinction were busting our humps for weeks organizing this event, subjecting ourselves to
ridiculous 1920s socialite style portraits to bring an iota of class to Santa Cruz. It's not like we did that.
Also also, Rach has been writing in an infuriating
Wonder Years style about her boring adolescence
here. Keep your fingers crossed that she deletes it soon out of embarrassment and good judgment.
I hope to see you at 5pm sharp (punitive measures for stragglers-- will be denied water crackers, to say the least) at the Sesnon gallery this Wednesday for the presentation of my award-winning work!