Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Artichoke Debauch

Do you ever buy way too much of one kind of food because it's on sale, and then wonder how in the hell you're going to eat it all before it spoils? If you're like me, this kind of bargain-hunting consequence happens all the time. The solution? Have a food-specific party, and pawn it off on your friends! Last week I bought over 30 artichokes at a roadside stand in Castroville, simply because it was a "better deal" than buying the 2 or 3 that I actually wanted! Also, my dad popped in with a crate of Mexican Cokes, clearly another victim of the Fredenburg Grocery Shopping Complex. So really, I couldn't think of a better time to host an Artichoke and Mexican Coke Soiree. Rachel took some hideous photos which are typical of her "style." I can't explain why everyone looks so crazed. Maybe in addition to the use of real sugar instead of corn syrup, Mexican cokes also still include cocaine. In any case, I think they were a hit.
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1 comment:

Ringo, have a banana! said...

Oh sweet Christ, how could I have missed this?